Vol. 32 No. 2 (2022): August- November
August- November

Editorial work under the direction of Dr. Katherine García Matamoros.



Mariana Concepción Vallejo Martinez
Palliative Care a specialty in Ecuador

Original Articles

Karen Sirley Ojeda Delgado, Tannia Mariella Rivera Rivera
Mortality prediction in cancer patients in intensive care. A single center study: Original Research
Fanny Viviana Quinte Guaiña, Rosa Nohemí Terán Terán, Rommel Espinoza de los Monteros
Characterization and survival of patients with Hodgkin lymphoma. A 7-Year single-center study: Original Research
Carlos Soliz Poveda, Carlos Calle Caamaño, Ena Coloma Coloma, Andrea Plaza Rodríguez, Norma Castro Ramírez
Prevalence of germs with multi antibiotic resistance in bacteremia associated with febrile neutropenia in hospitalized cancer patients: A single-center study
Verónica Cristina Cruz Lucero, Wilson Oswaldo Echeverría Villacreses
Coping strategies in cancer patients: A single-center study
Hugo Bladimir Vivanco Armijos, Edwin Fabián Guallasamín Chalco, José Yépez Maldonado
Impact on morbidity of the open vs closed surgical technique in colon cancer: A 6-Year single-center study
Cristina Elisa Cabrera Mañay, Tannia Mariella Rivera Rivera
Histopathological predictors of response to treatment in patients with hormone receptor positive her2 negative breast cancer: A single center study


Cristina Benavides Tutillo, Gabriela Molina Pinos , Maritza Ochoa Castro
Genetic polymorphisms associated with toxicity in 5-fluorouracil treatment in patients with colorectal cancer: narrative review.: A systematic review
Andrés Imbaquingo Cabrera, J. Santiago Madera-Obando, Iván Eduardo Maldonado Noboa, José Castillo Avellán, Bárbara León-Micheli, Raúl Galárraga-Campoverde, Lennyn Estuardo Albán-León
Multidisciplinary management of brain metastases: An updated review and paradigm shift

Casos Clínicos

Blas Luciano Méndez Orellana, Bryan Ariel Valarezo Romero, Raúl Uberto Naranjo Alvarado
Ovarian leiomyosarcoma: About a case
Paolo Leone, Maria Fernanda Carvajal
Buschke – Löwenstein Tumor: A Case Report and Review of the Literature