Vol. 31 No. 1 (2021): April - july
April - july

Editorial work under the direction of Dr. Katherine García Matamoros


Andrés Imbaquingo Cabrera, Bárbara León Micheli, Nelson Segovia, Edwin Cevallos, Luis De los Reyes
Hypofractionated radiotherapy for localized prostate can-cer: is less treatment time better? Narrative Review

Original Articles

Marcos Rendón, Luis Ullauri Torres, Jhon Castillo León, Sandro Patricio Romero Proaño
Characterization and clinical evolution of patients with castration-resistant metastatic prostate cancer treated at the urology service of SOLCA (Guayaquil). 2013 to 2019: Original Research
Jhony Joe Real Cotto, Juan Pablo Tanca Campozano, Leyda Elizabeth Jaramillo Feijoo, Gonzalo Rafael Puga Peña, Rina Mariuxi Quinto Briones
Epidemiological characterization of Hematopoietic and Lymphoid Neoplasms treated at the National Oncological Institute-SOLCA Guayaquil: Original Research
Javier Andrés Espín Jordán, Erick Andrés Camacho Rodriguez, Stalin Augusto Jurado Auria, Ruben Eduardo Sánchez Astudillo, Victor Hugo Sierra Nieto, Tania María Abril Mera, Boris José Méndez Pérez, Joselyne Angélica Noblecilla Troya
Fatigue and quality of life in children and adoles-cents with hematological cancer: Original Research
Tamara Delgado Dávila, María Tortoledo Rodríguez
Impact on the reduction of morbidity using the sen-tinel node technique in patients with breast cancer: Original Research
Jonathan Darío Ortega Calderón, Andrea Noboa Cercado
Bacterial etiology and antibiotic susceptibility in adults with acute leukemias and febrile neutropenia with high-risk factors: Original Research

Casos Clínicos

John Ortega Cedeño, Evelyn Solórzano Pérez
Mesenchymal chondrosarcoma in the pectoral re-gion, case report: Case report