Information for Authors

Instructions for publishing contributions in the Oncology Magazine (Ecuador)

The ONCOLOGÍA magazine, official organ of the Ecuadorian Cancer Society (SOLCA), considers original articles, bibliographic reviews, special articles, clinical cases and letters to the editor for publication. Likewise, the summaries of the works selected for presentation at the different scientific events organized by the national SOLCA headquarters will be published.

The articles published in ONCOLOGÍA are summarized and indexed in:

LATINDEX catalog 2.0

1.Submission of manuscripts

Manuscripts must be submitted through the Revista Oncología (Ecuador) website: by creating a username and password. The director of the journal or one of the section editors will rate its academic validity and the article may be accepted or rejected for entry into the peer evaluation process. If the article is accepted for entry into the evaluation process, it is sent to academic peers for reading and writing observations. Peers can suggest accepting or rejecting the post. If it is accepted for publication and once the academic observations have been corrected, the article enters the publication process.

All accepted articles are transferred to the property of the authors, who can reproduce in any medium citing the main source of ONCOLOGÍA Magazine (Ecuador). Works previously published or presented at the same time in another biomedical journal will not be accepted.

2.Types of manuscripts likely to be published
2.1. Editorials

With few exceptions, it will be written at the request of the Editorial Committee on a current topic, whether or not it refers to an article published in the same issue of ONCOLOGÍA. It will usually have a length of 800-1,500 words, 5 to 10 bibliographical citations are suggested. It is preferred that there be only one author.

2.2. Original Articles

Description and analysis of clinical, experimental or technical research that contributes to expanding knowledge on topics related to Oncology. Original articles must follow the Introduction, Materials - Methods, Results and Discussion (IMRyD) format. It is essential to include a structured summary, in Spanish and English, with a length of no more than 250 words. After the summary, 3 to 8 keywords will be included. The maximum length of the body of the text is 3500 words (excluding the abstract, references, figures and tables). Up to 8 elements will be admitted: photos, figures and/or tables. Bibliographic citations will depend on the nature of the study and the method of analysis, with a minimum of 20 and a maximum of 50.

2.3. Review Articles

Works of narrative or simple reviews and systematic reviews with or without meta-analysis, on topics related to Oncology. The maximum length of the text will be 4000 words with a minimum of 30 bibliographic citations and a maximum of 100, up to 8 elements will be admitted: photos, figures and/or tables. It is essential to include a summary with or without structure in Spanish and English, with a length of no more than 250 words. After the summary, 3 to 8 key words will be included.

2.4. Special items

This section will include information on scientific results of original research in the field of Oncology, as well as conference summaries or other academic communications. The maximum length of the text will be 3500 words with a minimum of 20 and a maximum of 50 bibliographical citations and up to 8 elements will be accepted: photos, figures and/or tables. It is essential to include a summary with or without structure, in Spanish and English, with a length of no more than 250 words. After the summary, 3 to 8 keywords will be included.

2.5. Clinical cases

Special priority will be given to those cases in which the form of presentation and/or resolution of the case is rare or novel. The text must contain a brief Introduction, the description of the Clinical Case, a brief Discussion and Conclusions. The maximum length of the text will be 1,500 words with a minimum of 15 bibliographic citations and up to 3 figures. It is essential to include an unstructured summary, in Spanish and English, with a length of no more than 250 words. After the summary, 3 to 5 key words will be included.

When sending their article, authors must include the informed consent duly signed by the patient or their legal representative.

2.6. Letters to the Editor

The Editorial Committee encourages readers of the Oncología Magazine (Ecuador) to submit objections or comments related to articles recently published in the Journal and, in some cases, to relevant articles published in other journals. This correspondence must contain interesting ideas and comments that are always supported by data and bibliographic references. All letters will be reviewed by the Editorial Committee and, if accepted, will be published in the Journal. Whenever possible, the letter with the response from the authors of the commented article will be published simultaneously. The maximum length will be 450 words. The maximum number of authors will be 4, it can include up to 5 references and a figure or table.

3. Preparation of the manuscript

The manuscript must contain the following sections, on separate pages:

3.1. First page with title

This page should contain the following information:

Title, which should be concise but informative, 12 to 15 words maximum.
List of authors in order according to their contribution: 1 name and 2 surnames with their respective ORCID identification
Affiliation: Name of the institutions or organizations to which each author is affiliated, city-country.
Name, postal address, email and telephone number of the author who will receive the correspondence.
Declaration of conflict of interest of the authors.
Research support source.
Limitations of liability.
Word count, number of figures and tables.

3.2. Summary

It is one of the most important sections of the manuscript, because through it the basic information of the study is obtained in the bibliographic indexes. It must have a maximum length of 250 words, and must be structured in 4 parts: Introduction, Material and Methods, Results and Conclusions. The use of abbreviations will be avoided and in all cases authors must include the English language version of their abstract. Editorials and letters to the editor do not require an abstract. Do not use trade names in the title or abstract.

From 3 to 8 keywords are allowed that will help when indexing the article in databases. To choose these keywords, you must base yourself on the internationally recognized list for this purpose, such as the terms of the Medical Subject Headings (MeSH Terms) or in Spanish the Descriptors in Health Sciences (DECS).

3.3. Introduction

It will be concise and directly related to the work. It must contain the purpose of the work and summarize the logical foundations for its completion. Start by describing the general overview followed by a specific description of the research, writing what you know about the topic, based on updated scientific information. Be careful of providing a long list of previous studies without a critical synthesis of them. It must be made clear what knowledge gaps the research is intended to fill. Finally, describe the general and specific objectives, which should be clear and provide a roadmap for the rest of the manuscript. The postulated hypotheses may or may not be included.

3.4. Materials and methods

The initial paragraph of the Materials and Methods section must state the type of study, according to the purpose of the study (analytical or descriptive), control of the assignment of study factors (observational or experimental), temporal sequence (cross-sectional or longitudinal). ), start of the study according to the chronology of the events (retrospective or prospective) and the design of the study: quantitative or qualitative approach.

The materials, methods and procedures used will be identified in sufficient detail to allow other researchers to reproduce the research. In clinical trials, the method of randomization will be detailed, the CONSORT statement must be followed, and how people were consented to participate in the study. In statistical analysis begin with a brief description of the characteristics of the variables. The descriptions of the regression models must correspond to the specific objectives. Describe why a particular modeling approach was used. Include a description of each covariate (with justification) and how missing data were accounted for. Mention which statistical software package was used.

3.5. Results

The measurements obtained with the materials and methods used are reported, not interpreted. It is important to mention the sample size. It begins with descriptive statistics, then the results of the study are presented, according to the objectives reported in the introduction in the same order so as not to confuse the reader. Make sure that variables or analyzes are not mentioned for the first time in this section. If you present data in tables, do not repeat it in the text. The textual description of the results should highlight the most salient factors.

3.6. Discussion

The author or authors will try to offer their own opinions on the topic without repeating in detail data provided in the Introduction or Results. It is important to establish the meaning and practical application of the results, as well as the relationship with similar publications, pointing out where and why the findings are consistent with the literature (do not limit yourself to listing previous studies). Emphasize the novel and important aspects of the study and the conclusions drawn, mention the strengths and limitations, the probable magnitude and direction of any potential bias, and describe the reasons why these limitations occurred.

3.7. Conclusions

They must be expressed clearly and concisely according to the findings of the results.

3.8. Bibliographic references

References are listed in order in which they are cited in the text, the number of references will depend on the type of manuscript. References cited only in tables or in the description of figures must be numbered according to the sequence established for the first time they appear in the text.

3.9. Reference style

The Vancouver regulations should be used for reference. References will be presented in Arabic numbers according to the order of appearance in the text with the corresponding consecutive numbering. Brackets will be used to reference the numbers [1] in order of appearance.

Journal names should be abbreviated according to the style used in the Index Medicus of the National Library of Medicine.

The use of imprecise phrases as bibliographic references will be avoided and “unpublished observations” or “personal communication” cannot be used as such, but they can be cited in parentheses within the text. Bibliographic references must be checked by comparison with the original documents, always indicating the initial and final page of the citation.

The format of bibliographic references must follow the standards adopted by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE). The ordering of bibliographic elements and the use of punctuation marks prescribed by the Vancouver style will be observed. Below are examples of some of the main cases:

Magazine article

Last name and 1 initial of the author's first name separated by commas. All authors will be cited if there are 6 or less than 6, placing only a comma between them, and a period after the last author; If there are 7 or more, relate only the first 6 and the expression et al will be added. Next, the title of the work is included in the original language and a period at the end, abbreviation of the name of the journal, also followed by a period, year of publication followed by a semicolon, volume number after which a colon will be placed. , and first and last pages of the work, separated by a hyphen.

The results of other research should be cited and citations of their introduction or summary should be avoided (that is, citing the citation should be avoided).

Citation of an article with less than 6 authors:

Armendáriz-Rubio P, De Miguel Velasco M, Ortiz H: Comparison of colostomies and ileostomies as derivative stomas after low anterior resection: Cir (Esp) 2007; 81:115-20.

Citation from an article with more than 6 authors:

Bujalance F, Herrera N, Salvador M, Escudero J, Sierra M, Oliva C, et al. Surgical treatment of peritonitis. Cir (Esp) 2007; 81:139-43.

Abstract article:

Krishnamoni D., Jain S.C. Pregnancy inteenagers: A comparative study. Psychiatric Journal of the University of Ottawa, 8(4), 202-207, 1983.

Book and book chapters

Quote from a complete book:

Murray P, Rosenthal K, Kobayashi G, Pfaller M. Medical Microbiology. 4th ed. St. Louis: Mosby; 2002.

Quote from a book chapter:

Weibel E. The structural basis of lung function. In*: West John, editor. Respiratory physiology: people and ideas. New York: Oxford University Press; 1996. p. 3-46.

Quote from a book consulted electronically:

Hamilton Bill. ADO Net Cookbook [online]. Boston: O'Reilly; 2003. [access date September 13, 2004]. Available URL:


Muñiz García J. Cross-sectional study of cardiovascular risk factors in children in rural Galicia.[Doctoral Thesis]. Santiago: Publications and Scientific Exchange Services, University of Santiago; 2004.

Scientific or technical report

World Health Organization. Risk factors for cardiovascular diseases: new areas of research. Report of a WHO Scientific Group. Geneva: WHO; 1994. Technical Report Series: 841.

Documents in electronic format

Standard article in electronic format

If the document is in HTML:

Castillo R, Reyes A, González M, Machado M. Functional habits and anxiety versus temporomandibular dysfunction. Rev. Cubana Ortod [online serial] 2001 [cited 2002 Apr 2]; 16(1): [approx. 23 p.]. Available at:

Other published materials
Presentation, Conference, Congress

Odriozola Urbina A. Impact of the person-centered approach in the northwest of the country. In: Presentation presented at the Posthumous tribute; Carl R. Rogers: Life and Work. Mexico: Iberoamerican University; 1987.

3.9. Boards

The tables should be presented in the same order as the objectives and should reflect the main objectives of the study (without adding any additional variables not covered above). Each graph or table must "tell a story" and be able to stand alone. The order in which variables are listed should match the way they are cited in the text.

Numbering of the table according to its order of appearance in the text, also with Arabic numbers, but not sequentially with the numbering of the figures;
Corresponding statement (title). We will try to ensure that they are clear and without rectifications. Acronyms and abbreviations are always accompanied by an explanatory note at the bottom.
3.10. Figures and photographs

Photographs, data graphs and diagrams will be considered figures. Each one will go in a separate file, preferably in JPG or TIFF format. As for the graphics, they should be sent with their original table in Excel format.

The photographs, diagrams and graphs will be numbered consecutively and jointly as figures. Figure captions must be included, on a separate page, at the end of the manuscript, after the bibliography or after the tables, if any, with the Arabic numbering that corresponds to the figure.

The tables, figures or photos may be chosen at the discretion of the Editorial Committee.

4. Declaration of responsibility

Authors should use the CRrediT taxonomy to declare their responsibility for the research. Possible roles to declare are:





Data curation

Project management


Formal analysis


Writing – original draft

Financing Acquisition


Writing-review and editing





5. Declarations
5.1 Conflicts of Interest

Declaration on financing aspects or any other type that could lead to a conflict of interest. When authors submit a manuscript for publication, they are responsible for disclosing all financial and personal relationships that could bias their work. To prevent ambiguity, authors should explicitly declare whether or not conflicts of interest exist, providing additional details if necessary in a letter accompanying the manuscript.

5.2 Article Financing

A declaration of the funds obtained for the research must be made. If it is possible to detail the budget item assigned for the project and which Institution was the one that contributed financially to the research.

5.3 Ethical aspects

Following the Regulations that govern Human Research Ethics Committees published in the Official Registry of Ecuador, Agreement No. 00005-2022 in August/2022.

Observational and intervention studies must present their letter of approval by the Human Research Ethics Committee (CEISH); if they have an exemption letter issued by the President of the CEISH, it must be attached.

For the authorization of clinical trials, refer to the National Agency for Health Regulation, Control and Surveillance-ARCSA. (Click here)

5.4 Registration of clinical trials

Clinical studies must be registered in a regional or international database such as Clinical Trials.

6. Article publication languages

The articles published from 2022 onwards have been disseminated in 2 languages, Spanish and English.


We suggest following:

Equator - Network Guides:
ICMJE Recommendations


Update date: 09/11/2023