Evolution of papillary thyroid cancer in acromegaly

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Thyroid Cancer, Papillary
Iodine Radioisotopes
Growth Hormone
Endothelial Growth Factors
Suppression, Growth Hormone

How to Cite

Bautista Litardo, N., Salazar, P., Jaramillo Encalada, I., & Valdivieso Jara, S. (2021). Evolution of papillary thyroid cancer in acromegaly: Case series. Oncology Journal (Ecuador), 31(2), 131–140. https://doi.org/10.33821/560


Introduction: Acromegaly is produced by a somatotropic pituitary adenoma, which secretes an excessive production of GH and IGF1, it is related to a higher risk of malignant tumors, not being associated with a specific pattern of presentation and the objective of this study is to analyze the evolution of papillary thyroid cancer in acromegaly.

Cases report: These were three patients diagnosed with CPT with different prognosis, with facial characteristics, and symptoms such as headache, visual field alterations, menstrual alterations, which led to biochemical and imaging studies and the diagnosis of acromegaly.

Evolution:  The appearance of thyroid cancer in the time of evolution of acromegaly is different, in two of the cases it preceded it and in the third it was presented alongside this pathology. The response to treatment in CPT is indeterminate in the first patient and excellent in the other cases; remission was achieved in one patient.

Conclusions: It is concluded that the coexistence of acromegaly with thyroid cancer is possible, that the acral and facial changes and the expansive symptomatology of the tumor lead to the diagnosis of acromegaly and that the identification of malignancies is not related to the evolution of the disease.

Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2021 Noemí Bautista Litardo, Patricio Salazar, Ivanna Jaramillo Encalada, Sonia Valdivieso Jara


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