Soft part Sarcomas. Casuistry Analysis of Solca-Cuenca Cancer Intitute, period 2002-2012.



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Jerves Andrade, M., Martínez, F., Jaramillo, E., & López, C. (2018). Soft part Sarcomas. Casuistry Analysis of Solca-Cuenca Cancer Intitute, period 2002-2012. Oncology Journal (Ecuador), 28(2), 112–127.


Introduction: Soft tissue sarcomas are uncommon tumors, they present a higher prevalence in extremities and their treatment base is surgical resection accompanied by radio and chemotherapy treatment. The aim of the present study is to describe the clinical characteristics and survival of a group of patients with soft tissue sarcomas presented in a single oncological center in the city of Cuenca-Ecuador.

Methods: In the Clinical Service of the Cancer Institute of Solca-Cuenca, a descriptive, retrospective study was carried out during the period from January 2002 to December 2012. We analyzed all cases of patients derived from the area with a diagnosis of soft tissue sarcoma. We excluded patients with neoplasms of secondary origin, with incomplete medical records that made analysis impossible and underage. The variables sex, age, tumor location, histopathological diagnosis and survival were studied. The statistical analysis performed was descriptive.
Results: We analyzed 71 cases, 37 women (52.1%). The lesions were located in the lower limb in 38 cases (53.5%) and in the upper limb 10 cases (14.1%.). The most frequent age in 68-77 years 16 cases (22.5%). The most prevalent histological type was Liposarcoma in 34 cases (47.9%) and
leimiosarcoma in 15 cases (21.1%). In the cases analyzed, the degree of differentiation that was most frequently presented was grade III, 30 cases (42.3%). Clinical stage II was the most prevalent with 27 cases (38%). The surgical treatment of resection was applied in 59 cases (83.1%). In 20 cases (28.2%) they were treated with adjuvant radiotherapy, and in 24 cases (33.8%) they were treated with adjuvant chemotherapy. The overall survival of the group was 36.5 months, the median progression-free survival of the group studied was 22.7 months.

Conclusion: In this report, sex, location, histological type and survival are variables that coincide with those reported with the scientific community. Surgical management was performed in the majority of cases with Radio and Chemo treatment -Adjuvant therapies.


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