About the Journal


The Journal ONCOLOGÍA (Ecuador), is the official communication organ of the different nuclei located at national level of the Society of Fight against Cancer of Ecuador (SOLCA). These are found in different cities: Guayaquil, Quito, Cuenca, Portoviejo, Ambato, Loja, etc. In this journal, all published articles are open access and consider original articles, reviews, special articles, clinical cases and letters to the editor for publication. Also, summaries of the selected papers will be published for presentation at the different scientific events organized by the national offices of SOLCA.

 The articles published in the Journal ONCOLOGÍA (Ecuador) are summarized and indexed in:

  1. Mexican Index of Biomedical Journals (Imbiomed)
  2. Virtual Health Library of Ecuador (VHL-Ecu)
  3. Latin American and Caribbean Literature in Health Sciences (LILACS)
  4. INIS Atomindex (International Nuclear Information System)
  5. Latindex - UNAM Catalog and Directory (Regional Online Information System for Scientific Journals of Latin America, the Caribbean, Spain and Portugal - Autonomous University of Mexico)
  6. Periodic - BIBLAT- UNAM (Index of Latin American Journals in Science)



Publish scientific articles related mainly to oncological pathologies

Disseminate scientific events organized by the national headquarters of SOLCA.

Publishing Entity:



 Quarterly: April - August - December

 ISSN online:



 Peer review in closed system

 Item Processing Costs:

 The magazine has NO item processing costs

 Costs for Sending items:

 The magazine has NO costs for sending articles

 Exemption policy for authors from developing countries:

 The Journal Oncologia Ecuador has an absolute policy of exemption for authors from developing countries in editing and translation costs.

 Digital archive policy:

The Ecuador Oncology Journal has a digital archive policy in the Lilacs repository, where there is a copy of the article with free access. You can check the repository policies at lilacs.bvsalud.org

Plagiarism detection policy:

The Journal Oncología Ecuador has a plagiarism detection policy. All the articles are scanned with an antiplage software specific to the annual agreement.

Open access statement:

The Oncology Journal Ecuador has an open access policy, all articles can be downloaded at no cost.

Copyright and Permissions:

The Journal Oncología Ecuador allows authors to have unrestricted copyright, in addition the journal allows and encourages authors to preserve their publication rights, citing the original source